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This week in Reception

Reception Red have been learning about positional language and used Harry the hedgehog to help them

Mrs Roxan gave each of the children an example of a positional word and they then took it in turns to place Harry in the correct position in relation to the direction given. Then, working in groups the children used a positional word and had to position themselves in the right place; on the table, under the table, next to the Autumn collection, in front of the door and outside the classroom etc.

The children had great fun placing our cuddle toy in a position and explaining to our friends what we had done.

Great work Reception Red!









A reminder that there will be no school for current Reception children on Friday, 19 November, as we will be carrying out assessments for those children registered for next September’s Reception Classes.

This week in Year 1

This week for Remembrance, Year 1 drew and painted poppies onto stones. You can see how carefully they have worked and how much thought they gave to the task, in the beautiful finished products they created. The children also used tissue paper and glue to create stained-glass effect poppies to stick onto the windows of the classrooms.

Year 1 Poppy Pebbles
In Literacy, we continued learning about dinosaurs and enjoyed the story ‘The Girl and the Dinosaur’. The children made some excellent storyboards, retelling the story and drawing matching illustrations. Here are some examples of our fantastic work.


Year 1 Dinousaur Story Boards, November 2021

This week in Year 2

On Tuesday Year 2 packed their cases for a mini break to France! With our passports hot off the press, we boarded the ferry ensuring we had visited the bureau de change for our euros as a little shopping was planned for later in the day. The sun shone and we were able to choose from une glace à la fraise, à la vanille or au chocolat, not to forget a croissant in the café. Although we couldn’t visit the Eiffel Tower, we had great fun with the ‘Eiffel Tower Challenge’ where groups raced to build the highest structure. The day flew by experiencing so many different things to do with going on holiday to France. A massive ‘merci beaucoup’ to Madame Fairburn and her volunteers for giving freely of their time and ensuring the day was fantastique!


Year 2 French Day
We also learned about Remembrance Day which inspired us to design our own badges. Our library lessons focused on the value of the week ‘Courage’ and the children were read ‘The Christmas Truce’, learned about women in war and were treated to some Horrible History clips. Many of the children brought in their own stories and photos of great grandparents in the war and in 2B Mrs Storey fascinated us with her artefacts and stories of real heroism.


Year 2 Poppies and Stories of Courage, November 2021

Head’s Commendations

Congratulations to this week’s recipients of Head’s Commendations:

Engage: Year 1 – Teddy R; Year 2 – Louis L, Theo B

Inspire: Year 1 – Stanley B, Luke B, Saffi S

Book Review from the Library – The Dragon with the Blazing Bottom by Beach

The Dragon with the Blazing Bottom is a rhyming delight, following Sir Wayne and his dragon who has lost his flame. Together they try to discover the source of the problem – perhaps his diet is to blame. Thankfully Sir Wayne has a plan with side-splitting consequences. Packed with funny, vibrant illustrations, this has the makings of a firm family favourite.



Threadworms are a common and rather unpleasant complaint. It has come to our attention that some children in the Junior Department are currently affected. Please see the attached Matron’s Advice Sheet for advice on how to treat them. Keep yourself worm-free by washing your hands with warm soapy water after using the loo and especially before eating.

Advice sheet 5 – Thread Worms