Leadership Opportunities
The are numerous examples of leadership opportunities for pupils in the Senior Department, where they can develop skills, and also work towards the Beechwood Park Leadership through Service Award.
Before the Michaelmas half term the Head and the Deputy Head (Pastoral) run a consultation with staff to seek their views on which two pupils should lead as Heads of School. Teachers can propose two names and there is no requirement that one pupil should be a boy and the other a girl. The Head always consults with the selected pupils to discuss their job description and for them to accept their appointment. The Head announces to the School the appointment at the final assembly before half term.
At the end of every term, the Head of House (member of staff) consults with the other members of staff in their respective Houses to select the House Captain for the following term. The Head of House forwards the nomination to the Deputy Head (Pastoral) who gains approval from the SLT. During the end of term assembly, the incumbents hand over a House Captain badge to their successor.
The Deputy Head (Pastoral) ensures that the selected pupils are willing to take on the responsibility of being House Captain; they discuss the job description.
Every term, the Top Formers visit their Link Form to seek their opinion on aspects of the running of the School. The Senior Leadership Team and the Top Formers, via one of their Form Teachers, choose the topic for the Forum. The Top Formers then feedback their findings, at the School Forum, to the Head, the Deputy Head (Pastoral) and the Top Form Form Teachers. The Deputy Head (Pastoral) then extracts the key points which he presents to the SLT for School development; he also presents the findings and proposed actions to the pupils in the Middle and Senior Department during an assembly.
The Food Committee is composed of the Catering Manager, the Deputy Head (Pastoral),and representatives from each year from Year 2 upwards.
They feedback to the committee via the Top Form Representatives. The Catering Manager and the Deputy Head (Pastoral) implement actions in response to the feedback and they feed back to the pupils in an assembly.