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Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

The provision of excellent pastoral care is at the heart of Beechwood Park life and there is a genuine commitment to care for the whole community; the happiness of each child is central to this.  Just as you do, we want your child to achieve their very best at Beechwood Park, but – more importantly – we want every pupil in our care to be happy. To this end, the school has an exceptionally strong pastoral vision and a whole-school ethos geared towards wellbeing, promoting a positive and holistic approach to robust mental health.

It is a much used phrase, but at Beechwood Park we recognise that pupils learn best when they are happy, relaxed and at ease with their surroundings.  Our deep understanding of each pupil is at the core of our personalised approach. But beyond that, the children really get to know their teachers too, creating an inspiring atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.

Caring for each and every pupil is central to school life, be that in the classroom, on the sports field, or in the boarding house. Our Deputy Head Pastoral, Mr Packer, oversees pastoral care throughout the school, and supports pupil wellbeing on a day to day basis. The Pastoral Team meets frequently to ensure they are aware of any issues.

Throughout their time at Beechwood Park, your child’s welfare will be monitored by his or her Form Teacher. This member of staff will always be available to your child and is the usual contact point between parents and the school. The school also offers frequent opportunities for parents both to meet their children’s teachers to review progress and to receive regular written reports.

We are delighted to be one of the first UK prep schools to have teamed up with Tooled Up Education to provide support for parents and staff via evidence-based research and resources on all aspects on parenting, education and family life.

The House System

The House system enables pupils to work together, and to develop a house allegiance and identity.

Amongst other things, being a member of a House provides a valuable focus for personal development in cultural activities and sporting competition. It encourages an inclusive team ethos, team spirit, sportsmanship and an opportunity for all the children to flourish in a wide range of curricular and co-curricular pursuits.

House events (such as Sports Day, inter-house matches, galas, the House Song Competition, pancake races and the weekly credits total) also contribute to the House point totals. Sports staff award points for tidiness in the changing rooms, and there are points to be won for dining room clearing too!

The pupils keenly await the announcement of the latest House point totals in the Head’s Monday assemblies for Middle and Senior Department pupils, with bated breath and an audible rumble of feet!

At the end of each term in the prize giving assembly, the Headmaster presents the Clan Shield to the House which has gained the most points across all the disciplines.

School Nurse

Our fully equipped Surgery is staffed by our School Nurses and is open to pupils, should they need to visit during the School day.

Nurses have overall responsibility for any medical care or first aid that your child may require during the School day, or at other times when the School is open.  If pupils need a quiet place to have a bit of time out during the day, or want to talk to Matron, the “Chat Room” is located next to the Surgery and is available to pupils whenever they need.  Pupils also have access to a professional School Counsellor.

Form Teachers and Heads of Year

A pupil’s Form Teacher is the first port of call for the majority of pastoral matters and any pupil can approach their Form Teacher (or any other member of staff) at any time for advice and guidance. Morning Registration is the ideal moment for a pupil to speak to their Form Teacher. 

Along with Mr Packer, the Deputy Head (Pastoral), who is responsible for the pastoral provision within the School,  the team of Form Teachers and Heads of Year make sure that all the pupils can access the support that they need, when they need it.   



Tooled Up Education

Beechwood is a “Tooled Up” School, meaning we can provide our families and staff with privileged access to an exclusive and regularly updated digital library of resources, full of evidence-based tips, simple activities, advice-packed videos and enlightening podcasts, covering areas such as aspiration, resilience, mental health and behaviour.

As a member of the Tooled Up community parents have access to a whole host of evidence-based resources, which will enable you to support your children or students in a way that makes their lives and educational journeys both easier and more enjoyable.

Tooled Up Education is curated by one of the UK’s leading experts on parental engagement in children’s lives and learning, Dr Kathy Weston.

As a ‘Tooled Up’ parent, you will:

  • feel more supported on your parenting journey;
  • be able to access evidence-based tips that can help your child to thrive and reach their potential; and
  • be able to ask any question and get the answers you need, sourced from the highest quality research evidence.

All parents will be given log in details to access these incredible resources.

Pupils value themselves and they feel good about trying to be not the best, but the best they can be because they know the school values them".
ISI 2019
‌d‌o‌n'‌t ‌j‌u‌s‌t ‌t‌a‌k‌e ‌O‌U‌R ‌w‌o‌r‌d ‌f‌o‌r ‌i‌t...
The open and trusting relationship that staff and pupils enjoy... leads directly to some excellent pupil choices".
ISI 2019
‌d‌o‌n'‌t ‌j‌u‌s‌t ‌t‌a‌k‌e ‌O‌U‌R ‌w‌o‌r‌d ‌f‌o‌r ‌i‌t...
Pupils have high levels of self-esteem and self-confidence, enthusiastically pushing and challenging themselves to succeed. They value the culture created in the school which teaches that mistakes can be positive experiences".
ISI 2019
‌d‌o‌n'‌t ‌j‌u‌s‌t ‌t‌a‌k‌e ‌O‌U‌R ‌w‌o‌r‌d ‌f‌o‌r ‌i‌t...
Pupils value themselves and they feel good about trying to be not the best, but the best they can be, because they know the school values them
ISI Inspection 2019
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