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Holocaust Memorial Day

As part of their TPR (Theology, Philosophy and Religion) lessons, Years 6 and Top Form (Year 8) have been looking at the work of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and this year’s theme ‘Ordinary People.’

Some have watched videos of a survivor of the Cambodian genocide and others from a Rwandan survivor. Together they have made a Memorial Flame display in the TPR Classroom.

Each pupil made a cut out of their hand and added it to this very thought-provoking display. The experiences of people affected by the Holocaust, Nazi persecution of other groups or other genocides, serve as a reminder that ordinary people, like us, have a part to play in stopping this from ever happening again and seeking out and bringing to justice for those that sadly suffer it again.

The Imperial War Museum, London has an excellent permanent exhibition in their Holocaust Galleries, for older children and families who want to find out more about the topic.