Message from Mrs McIntosh
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Be Kind. Always.
As we hurtle towards the end of term at breakneck speed, sometimes we forget to focus on the basics! Here in the Junior Department the number one Golden Rule is: Be kind and gentle.
If the children learn anything from me in assemblies and as we interact together around School and on the playground, I hope it will be the importance of kindness in all that we say and do.
So why is kindness so important for us and also for our children?
It is simple really, if we get kindness right, everything else will follow. If we teach our children to be kind and we model kindness for them, then the world will be a happier place, full of respect, tolerance, understanding and compassion. One of our favourite Junior Department songs includes the lines:
- What a difference we can make,
- When we brighten someone’s day,
- Is there any better way to be happy?
- Just a little thing or two,
- It’s not difficult to do,
- Will be just as good for you as each other!
We all have so much going on in our lives, including competing strains and stresses. This can mean that we sometimes develop a bit of tunnel-vision and become so focused on ourselves and what we want, need or have to do that we forget to take the feelings and experiences of others into consideration. However, if we take the time to be kind to other people and think about them too, we can reap the emotional dividends. In short, by being kind to others we will also be happier ourselves. At a time when our young people’s mental health is in crisis, it is also worth noting that acts of kindness can boost feelings of confidence, being in control, happiness and optimism. Doing good may also help us to have a more positive outlook on our own circumstances. Thinking of others also helps people create, maintain, and strengthen their social connections and they are therefore less likely to feel isolated or lonely.
However, it is also important to take time to be kind to yourself. If you are barely getting by or just about keeping your head above water, try not to beat yourself up about what you see others doing (especially on social media!) As Theodore Roosevelt said “Comparison is the thief of joy!” Try to tune out the voice of judgement and comparison and tune into the voice that says, ‘I am doing my best and that is enough!”
To help with self-care why not try some of these on your own or with your children over the weekend?
- Prioritise some ‘me’ time, so you can relax and reflect on how you’re feeling and how your day or week has been so far.
- Turn off your social media channels for a day, or even a week.
- Treat yourself to something small that makes you smile.
- Do something you enjoy, like listening to a favourite song or dancing in the kitchen (a personal favourite of mine!)
- Spend some time in nature.
You can view a few photos from today’s Junior Sports Day below and more will be featured in next Friday’s newsletter, thank you to everybody who came today to cheer their children on. With glorious weather on our side it was a wonderful morning, enjoyed by all.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs McIntosh