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Middle Department News

This week in Year 3

This week, we have been busy readying our classrooms for tomorrow’s Speech Day and look forward to showing you our classrooms!

This year Sports Day was a momentous occasion, enjoyed by all.  We wanted to share a few photos with you and more will follow in the End Of Term Newsletter.

Middle Department Sports Day 2022

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 3 Team

This week in Year 4

The penultimate week has, as with most weeks this year, been a very busy one for Year 4.  

This week the aroma of washing up liquid, baby lotion and ketchup filled the corridors of Year 4 as the children continued with their practical investigations in Science based upon our topic, ‘Materials and their Properties’. This week the children were looking at the property of viscosity and investigated how the rate of viscosity differed between liquids.

Yr 4 Practical Science Investigations


We would also like to say a big thank you to Marvel Avengers for helping us this year in the teaching of Viking Gods and Goddesses. Surprisingly, many of the children were a lot more knowledgeable about Asgard, Valhalla, Odin, Thor and Loki this year than in previous years!

A huge thank you to all of you who were able to make it to the Middle Department Sports Day. Your support was very much appreciated by all those who took part. It was a day of wonderful sportsmanship and sporting competition. 

We look forward to meeting you all tomorrow at our end of year Speech Day celebration. Children will need to be in School and come to their classrooms, unless told otherwise, for 10:00am They should come to School in smart school uniform, but blazers and jumpers are not required.  

Once the speeches and prize giving have finished, you will be able to collect your child from the back lawn. Please go to the house flag your child is in. If the weather is wet, then we will be in the Performance Hall. 

After lunch, you will have the opportunity to visit Year 4 as well as pop into Year 5 and other areas of the School, before finishing the day off with the famous Beechwood tea and cake party! 

Have a lovely weekend!

The Year 4 Team

This week in Year 5

As a contrast to the high octane energies of Sports Day, the Science labs were places of tranquillity and focus this week as the children enjoyed dissecting flowers. Armed with dissection tiles, tweezers, scissors and magnifying glasses, they took apart the flowers very carefully, identifying each part and deepening their understanding of the function of each one. Once finished, they created some beautiful dissection posters which we will enjoy showing you at Speech Day.

Year 5 Science 5 July 2022

We hope that you will enjoy seeing your children’s work tomorrow: they have worked so hard this term and this year and it is very special to be able to share their progress with you.

See you tomorrow!

The Year 5 Pastoral Team


From the Middle Department Library

Noah’s Gold by Frank Cottrell Boyce

Eleven-year old Noah sneaks along on his big sister’s school field trip to Orinoco’s warehouse, an online retailer named after a South American river – however the bus SatNav tries to take them to the real river instead and everything goes wrong. The six children end up being marooned on an uninhabited island as their teacher vanishes. They’re hungry, their phones don’t work and it becomes apparent that Noah has broken the internet. Readers find out how the children survive through a series of amusing letters from Noah to his parents (which he posts in a letterbox on the island, and receives replies despite there being no collections?!?). The children must use their own ingenuity to survive until Noah also finds a treasure map.


Head’s Commendations

Congratulations to this week’s recipients of Mr Balfour’s Commendations:

Nurture Engage Inspire
Year 3 - Abigail H, Hugo, Lottie Edward G, Aeron, Abbey, Findlay, Freya, George M
Year 4 - Olivia F, Aria -
Year 5 - Henry, Seb V, Oliver K, Ella Rose, Kaede, Jane, Easher, Paddy. Holly