Middle Department News 26 May 2023
Year 3
The sun is finally making a very welcome appearance which makes everything feel better! We are using every opportunity to work outside and get into the sunshine. With that in mind, please ensure that the children have their school caps with them every day next half term. They may leave them in school. You might also consider applying sunscreen, depending on the weather.
English: Debating
Inspired by the success of the Seniors at the Rotary Youth Speaks in winning the National Championships, Year 3 have just started a unit on debating. They started with the motion: School uniforms should be banned and have been thinking about some arguments both for and against. They have started to consider the qualities needed in order to present a good argument and what they should avoid, as well as understanding key rules & practises that should be present in debating. We look forward to seeing the Year 3’s final written arguments and a full debate take place, we have been practising our skills and using the Top Form debating team as our inspiration!
The Importance of Sleep
In PSHE we have been learning about the importance of a good night’s sleep. Following our adventures under canvas we all know just how important sleep is to our ability to think clearly, stay focused and remain in a good mood! We considered some of the things that we might want to avoid just before bedtime and those things that might encourage us to have an excellent night of sleep. We even tried out sleep meditation in the classroom and some children tried it out for themselves just before they went to sleep. Hopefully this half term will be a great chance to catch up on some of our missing sleep!
Verulamium Visit
We are very much looking forward to our trip to Roman Britain when we visit Verulamium after half term. The children will be exploring the museum with links to our Topic focus for this term and participating in a fantastic workshop. Just a reminder that on this day, main school bags are not needed, just a small rucksack to place a lunch into, smart school uniform and a water bottle. We will be leaving and coming back during school hours so no alternative pick up arrangements are needed and clubs will still be attended.
Cricket vs Edge Grove
Both boys and girls enjoyed an excellent afternoon of cricket on Thursday against Edge Grove. Thank you to all who were able to support the Year 3’s in their first ever match.
We would like to wish you all a very restful and enjoyable half term break and look forward to seeing you in a week’s time, refreshed and ready to learn!
The Year 3 Team