This week in Year 3
It is hard to believe that this half term is so close to being completed! The children have made great progress in their independence and are moving around the School with confidence. Up until now, the Music teachers have been collecting them for their individual lessons, but from Monday they will be required to make their own way to their lessons at the correct times. Please could you remind your child of their lesson timing, as we do in class. If they have a watch with an alarm, this might be very useful to help them remember. The children should go to their lessons using the inside route this term.
In Maths, we have finished our first unit on Place Value, but, before moving on Addition and Subtraction, we had a really fun and hands-on problem solving maths session. The children really enjoyed working with their partner and moving around the room, solving puzzles as they went. Teachers reinforced the need to read the question carefully, and pupils were able to use lots of resources to support their problem solving – pictures below:
In English, we produced some lovely artwork, based on the book ‘Flotsam’ and recreated some of the photos in the book, taken in different locations around Beechwood:
Year 3 pupils are also embracing the newly implemented Accelerated Reader Scheme. Many of the children have completed their end-of-book tests and are beginning to be able to log on with increasing independence. The move away from the coloured banding system is a shift in mindset for everyone, but we are confident that the new system will reap great rewards.
In Science, 3P used string to great effect and hilarity to demonstrate how light travels when it is reflected off a mirror. Great hands-on learning and a really memorable lesson!
Year 3 pupils s were incredibly excited to play their first away match against Edge Grove on Thursday. The whole of the year group was involved and they all did very well, playing with confidence and lots of enthusiasm. We had an excellent photographer in Jack, who managed to capture lots of action shots and candid moments from the day. Well done Jack and well done Year 3!