News from the Senior Department
This week I was lucky enough to host another Pupil Voice meeting with representatives from Years 6, 7 and Top Form. Once again, I was so impressed by the maturity and thoughtfulness of those contributing to the meeting. With a wisdom that belied their age, pupils talked about their experiences of being in a co-educational school; the value of rewards; extrinsic and intrinsic motivation; and what they think we should be focusing on as teachers in the classroom!
The wonderful contributors to the meeting were:
Year 6 – Joe K; Joe S; Georgie H; Finley S
Year 7 – Oscar B; Nicole I; Diego A
Top Form – Harry C; Finlay W; Sam C
They may have eaten all of my chocolate biscuits, but it was worth it for their valuable insight.
In the next few weeks I’m looking forward to an assembly from Top Form on neurodiversity and the applications coming in for our new Pupil Leadership Team; Transition Working Party and Peer Mentoring Group.
And to top it off, the sun is shining! Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Wright
Head of Senior Department
Year 7 John Piper mixed media sketches.
Here the pupils had the opportunity to analyse the work of John Piper by trying to recreate parts of it in their sketchbooks using, pencil, pen, colour pencil, coloured pens and collage. This term we are focusing on the artist’s architectural studies and using his influence to inform the way we present the architecture of our beautiful school.
We have included some photos of their work for you to see below: