Woodlands News 12 May 2023
Another four day week has passed us, by but not without yet more active learning, outdoor exercise, rain and sunshine and our developing and engaged Woodlanders, making every day so worthwhile.
Mrs Bullock has been working in Woodlands since the start of this term and we are really grateful for her kindness, flexibility and skills over the past few weeks. She leaves us this week and Miss Barker, who some of you will know as a Reception teacher, is joining Woodlands for the rest of the academic year until she returns to Reception after her maternity leave. We are looking forward to having Vicki’s skills and energy in Woodlands too.
This past week has seen your children painting, spending time in our Forest School and in the big school Sports Hall, cooking, gardening, dressing up, learning about growth and developing their cutting skills.
Green Class have been investigating growing. On Tuesday, they read Jack and the Beanstalk and talked about the conditions needed for growth. Your children suggested that seeds need water, sunlight, compost and magic, of course! They then planted their own beans and the children are now waiting and watching to see if their beans turn into beanstalks! They are a little concerned that they would maybe grow up and through the roof!
Orange Class children planted their beans last term so they are already witnessing the growth. We have re potted them and they seem to grow taller and floppier every day! Jemima noticed they looked thirsty on Tuesday and carefully filled a toy tea pot with water to give them a drink.
Both classes have been experimenting with observational painting this week, looking at REAL flowers and then mixing colours to try to match their shades to the colours of the real flowers, For a change they were using thin brushes which demand greater wrist and hand control.
Orange Class have also been working on their control of scissors, cutting spaghetti, grass, paper and Sellotape. On Wednesday, they worked in little teams to use their cutting skills to create large-sized collages. Children learn so much by working in groups with others; obviously, they learn to wait their turn, but they also watch each other and can get new ideas and take risks that they might not take if working alone, not to mention the incidental chat that takes place.
After some yoga as well, they were well and truly ready for rest!
Take a look at our week in photos here:
Please remember we are here to support you as families in the Early Years Phase of education so do not hesitate to ask if there is anything you would like to know or are wondering about.
As always, I wish you a happy weekend with your children and we look forward to another week of play, fun and development.
Kind regards as ever,
Shirley Hayman
Head of Woodlands