Learning in the Junior Department
The unique nature of each child in our care is carefully nurtured through our delivery of the Foundation Stage Curriculum (Reception) and in Years 1 and 2 through a syllabus that is broad, balanced and also incorporates the National Curriculum. Learning to read, write, to be competent with numbers, and to interact with science are at the heart of the children’s learning environment. History, Geography, Religious Studies, Physical Education, French, Music, Information and Computer Technology and Personal, Health, Social and Citizenship Education are also introduced at this stage.
We pay close attention to each child’s aptitude for learning so that we can develop every child at his or her own level. Outstandingly gifted children will be identified as soon as possible, whilst our excellent Learning Support Department will be made available whenever necessary.
We pride ourselves on our partnership with parents; together we make the difference to a child’s learning. The Junior Department provides parents with guidance on how to support a child with their learning and supports an ‘open door’ policy to manage information and concerns. Parents are provided with a full written report and their child’s EYFSP at the end of the Reception year and two written reports a year for children in Years 1 and 2. There is also the opportunity to attend three parent-teacher meetings. Additional meetings can also be requested.