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This Week in Woodlands

How are we helping our Woodlanders to become confident writers?


This term, we have been working on building up our upper body strength to help us become successful writers in the future.

Certain essential foundations need to be in place to ensure that children become effective writers. This includes developing their balance, core strength and upper body control. Children simply cannot sit and hold a pencil effectively if they are not able to control their body correctly.

At Woodlands Nursery this term, we have been helping children develop and strengthen their bendy bits! In other words, their shoulder, elbow and wrist pivots to help them make marks more effectively.

  • Shoulder pivot—Children using a shoulder pivot are employing the full range of motion in their arm and so need large spaces to make marks or practice this motion. We plan a range of opportunities to help the children enhance their shoulder pivot such as, brushing with brooms, painting and drawing on large surfaces, digging and playing parachute games;
  • Elbow pivot—Once the muscles in the back, upper arms and shoulders begin to strengthen, there usually starts to be more movement at the elbow. To strengthen movement in the elbow pivot, we provide activities such as, mashing, hammering, plunging, playing with streamers, throwing and catching;
  • Wrist pivot—When children develop their wrist pivot it allows them a more defined and small scale range of movement. We challenge our Woodlanders with activities such as, threading, sewing and making marks on a smaller scale with more delicate mark making implements to help enhance their wrist pivot.

So, if you want to help your child improve their writing skills, get out your broom, potato masher and plunger and GET PHYSICAL!

Have a lovely weekend!

Natalie Kneller
Woodlands Nursery Teacher

From the Junior Librarians

We Disagree about this Tree by Ross Collins

Ross Collins has perfected the Bear and Mouse pairing. Simple illustrations, simple text, a simple concept and yet his stories are always endearing and funny. In theory, the pair are now living harmoniously (having previously disagreed about chairs and houses) however this is until the Christmas tree arrives and needs decorating.

Cue delightful rhyming and ongoing funny disagreements.