Once more, Beechwood Park families have donated very generously during Harvest. In School, Mr Bullock reminded us all of the messages behind our harvest collection in a series of assemblies across year groups and this year the we have collected an amazing amount of food for the Harpenden Food Bank.
This Tuesday, two truckloads of food made their way to the Trussell Trust St Albans and District Foodbank.
Behind the scenes, many of our Top Form pupils helped collect bags of food from the collection points around School, transferring them to our School Chapel ready for loading into the truck. James H. And Tommy H, our Top Form Charity Prefects, then helped to sort the hundreds of items into groups, ready for loading. They then helped load the truck for its first run to the Foodbank, where they were gratefully received and unloaded by the Trussell Trust volunteers.
The St Albans and District Foodbank has been running for six years. When they started they helped on average, around 100 people but since the pandemic and with rising food prices, it has shot up dramatically to the point that over 3350 packages have been given out from April this year! These packages contain enough food for three days, for each member of a household.
Thank you to everyone in the Beechwood community who given so generously – do please continue to donate at your local super market, so that together we can continue to help our local communities.
Mr Wood
Head of Charities